Welcome to Lake Erie Chapter
of Fly Fishers International
Welcome to the official website of the Lake Erie Chapter- Fly Fishers International. It is the goal of the chapter to promote the sport of fly fishing through education and conservation. By joining the Lake Erie Chapter-FFI you will have the opportunity to contribute to fishery conservation and restoration for all fish in all waters.
President’s Message
Fly fishing is plagued by the notion that it’s too difficult, too expensive, and not worth the bother. We can overcome your anxiety of beginning fly fishing by offering years of experience stream side and on the fly-tying bench. Our Chapter's mission is teaching fly fishing.
All our meetings and outings are directed to expanding knowledge of the sport. We offer online and in person fly tying instruction twice a month. Our programs are taught by a knowledgeable staff of instructors. In time you will enjoy the camaraderie of our members and with their help take away the trial-and-error period of learning something new. Enjoy our website (e.g. Events Page) Give us a email and start enjoying a sport that will change your life.
Tight Lines, Al Kerner
Contact the Lake Erie Chapter-FFI
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.